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Pantofola d'Oro Lazzarini Deluxe Collection - Football Boots

皮③尔④斯  发表于2014-01-30 01:07 │0 条评论   关注 0


Pantofola d'Oro is one of the most desirable football boot brands on the market, when mainstream brands are fixating efforts on innovation Pantofola d'Oro continue to do what they're best at, producing the highest quality leather boots. Now the Italians have gone one step further in quality by creating a deluxe collection of their headline boot, introducing the Lazzarini Deluxe Pro.

The new Deluxe Collection Lazzarini's are made according to ancient methods of handicraft, the result of centuries of old traditions from the master shoemakers in the foot hills of Ascoli Piceno, Italy. This luxurious collection is achieved by using only the most valuable leathers with each boot carefully set up and sewn by hand.

The Deluxe Collection is offered in two forms, one with a leather lace cover and one without, both of which feature the famous three stars of the brand. Pantofola d'Oro have worked hard to earn a reputation of producing the most comfortable football boots available, achieved by using an exclusive anatomic shape which delicately contains the foot, the result of over 100 years of experience.

Pantofola d'Oro are unique to the football boot market and are decorated in rich Italian heritage. Each boot has minor differences which represents the distinctive signs of handmade shoes as well as adding to the character and personality of the brand.

The Deluxe edition Lazzarini's contain all the credentials of a work of art. The manufacturing process endows shoes with a distinctive vintage look. This treatment, performed exclusively by a renowned Tuscan leather tannery gives brand new footwear a highly sophisticated worn look, which is unrepeatable, making each item truly unique.

As with all high end products the Deluxe Collection Lazzarini's come with a higher price tag and will set you back an extra £60 compared to the standard editions. Each pair comes with a special bag in a classy shoe box, which boats 'Handemade in Ascoli Piceno, Italy' a feat that the brand are immensely proud of.

The new Pantofola d'Oro Lazzarini Deluxe Collection is available exclusively from Pro-Direct SoccerWhat do you think of the boots? Lace cover or no lace cover? Let us know. Join the conversation online, on Twitter and on Facebook.


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