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From the triumphant to the turbulent, the creative to the controversial, SoccerBible Magazine Issue 4 is dedicated to the Mavericks and Disruptors. Those players that cause a stir and the stories that break the mould. Telling the tales of football, aiming for the highest order it is a celebration on the senses as we bring design and print techniques together. Served on varying paper stock, rich in colour, dark in tones the process of bringing it together is an art form in itself and one that should be shared.
While Zizou covers the mag, there are countless stories that embellish the 200+ pages. Taking in some of the greatest illustrators and photographers inside and outside the football scene, we've welcomed the maverick approach moving into disruptive places. The charm of football luring, it's a beautiful game with many a remarkable tale.
Available to pre-order now, and shipping from October 15th before hitting newsstands worldwide from October 20th. Join the party #SoccerBibleMagazine. Pirlo has.