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SoccerBible中文站 > 原文 > Nike >  Nike Glove Concept by Rayyan Toh : Product Design : Soccer Bible
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Nike Glove Concept by Rayyan Toh : Product Design : Soccer Bible

ouou  发表于2015-07-10 17:16 │0 条评论   关注 0

'Goalkeeper Gloves Need A Revolution', while performance wear and boots get stronger for the attack and outfield game, designer Rayyan Toh has created a concept glove that counters this, providing a sketchbook look at gloves of the future.

Exploring what he could come up with in three days, Rayyan Toh looked at the problems faced by Goalkeepers of the modern game with the objective of delivering a vision of a glove of the future. His sketches show many elements both technical and physical that a modern day keeper faces and the elements of the game that need to be taken into consideration.

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Rayyan Explains, "How can we provide a supportive and protective fit that doesn’t limit range of motion at the same time? I take inspiration from the hand wraps of MMA and boxing, two sports in which athletes experience the same kind of stresses through the hands as goalkeepers do.

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Like the fit of a boot, having a true “on the ball” feel is key. However unlike a boot which is limited in the number of ways it has to flex with the foot, the palm of the glove has to do so in many different planes. How can we provide an accurate fit for each section of the palm to achieve a true “on the ball” feel?

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The idea of the glove as a weapon really starts to take hold here. If the modern game expects goalkeepers to start attacks as much as stop them, how can their gloves facilitate this transition of play?

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Aesthetic development: exploring different color and form breakups. Increasing comfort and creating a natural range of motion through the palm with the use of flex channels and perforations.

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Questioning the convention of having the palm fully constructed of latex: I explore the idea of having a dual density foam and latex laminate that would aid in shock absorption and dispersion.

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Bringing it full circle: refining the idea of a low profile chassis that would provide dynamic support and injury protection to the keeper in key injury zones." This introduces the final concept idea of the 'Nike Vapor GK'.

A remarkable set of illustrations resulting in an impressive concept. You can see more work by Rayyan Toh here. Could this be the future of glove design? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


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