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Lotto Zhero Gravity II 100 Football Boots - Black/Green - Football Boots

皮③尔④斯  发表于2013-07-12 18:41 │0 条评论   关注 0

Ahead of the new season Lotto have hooked up their Zhero Gravity II 100 with a new paint job. The world's first and only laceless boot receives a Black/Green/White colour combo as the innovative Italian brand start to reveal their 2013/14 line-up.

The first feature you notice on the Zhero Gravity 100 II is that it obviously has no laces, this is a fact that Lotto are very proud of and no matter how strange it may look, has proved to work. A unique design and one which we understand may not be of everyone's taste but you'd be lying if you say you wouldn’t want to take them out for a spin.

Lotto are fearless when it comes to innovation as we saw with the recent release of their Solista silo – The world's first fully reflective football boot. The concept of the Zhero Gravity is one that Lotto are continuing to single-handedly pioneer.

It's an idea that began life in a laboratory in 2002, and was inspired by the desire to create a boot that gives "extraordinary contact with the ball". Since then, Lotto's Zhero Gravity range has gone on to establish itself as a top speed boot in the marketplace.

The smooth and elegant design of the Zhero Gravity is inspired by the sleek, refined profile of racing cars - the boot is created to deliver a platform for players to be at their fastest. Lotto have introduced a speedy new colourway for the 2013/14 season, which may be the final push that players needed to finally give the Zhero Gravity a go.

The microfibre upper of the Lotto Zhero Gravity II 100 football boots is made from a thin material which moulds to the foot, offering an exceptional feel for the ball. By removing the laces, Lotto have created the cleanest contact and striking surface between the foot and ball, designed to almost be like a second pair of socks.

The flush fit of the Zhero Gravity II 100 is achieved by two rubberised panels stitched into the fore and heel of the boot upper. These stretch out allowing your feet into the boot, before retracting back to provide a sock-like fit.

The Key here is finding the right size and fit, because unlike a leather upper the boot won't expand over time or retract if you initially wear them in the bath, however, the Lotto Zhero Gravity does offer one of the most unique fits in the boot industry.

Lotto's ReactiveArch outsole is one of the first concave shaped outsoles to feature on a boot, and is a Lotto innovation engineered to deliver cushioning, stability and reactivity. This dynamic sole is designed to flex, move in unison and provide an elastic (energy) return to the natural deformation movement of the transverse arch in the forefoot.

The new Lotto Zhero Gravity II 100 football boots will be available at selected online retailers including Pro-Direct Soccer. Thoughts on the new colourway? Join the conversation online, on Twitter and on Facebook.


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