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Hummel Rapid X Blade Football Boots - White/Black/Golden Poppy

ouou  发表于2012-01-27 00:14 │0 条评论   关注 0
A contender for one of the greatest boot names we've seen, Hummel have unveiled their Rapid X Blade football boots! And after recently posting their 2012 collection on their Facebook page, SoccerBible has full and exclusive imagery of Hummel's brand new speed boot...

You wouldn't necessarily associate a synthetic speed upper with Hummel, but they're upping their game for 2012 and the Hummel Rapid X Blade football boots are a venture into football's most competitive boot market, take a look and let us know what you think...

Visually, the Rapid Blade is a clean white/black contrast boot that's going to look sharp and stand-out on pitch. Made from a recycled microfibre material, the majority of the upper is a soft one-piece material that covers the toe area and wraps around heel.

The lacing-system is just off-centre and similar to that of the adizero, and is complimented by a flat tongue for a flush fit to the foot. Unique to the Rapid X Blade soccer shoes is a 'Cage Construction', which forms at the external heel counter then continues through the Hummel chevrons to the lacing system, forming a supportive fit to wrap around the foot.

They've got the look, but what all speed fans want to know is have they got the weight? Well, the Hummel Rapid Blade football boots weigh-in at 260g, which most fans will know isn't anywhere near the sub-200g F50 adizero or Morelia Neo. But speed isn't just about weight, as the Mercurial range has proven with Nike's boots weighing in over 200g, and Hummel have given particular attention to their traction outsole.  

The sole-plate is riveted and glued to the upper, and formed from a Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) material. The bladed studs are configured and shaped to compliment the players movement and ground penetration, with an angular shape unlike anything currently on the market.

For comfort and fit the Hummel Rapid X Blade's have a removable insole, which has grooves under the forefoot for flex and a padded insert under the heel for shock absorption. The inner lining of the Rapid Blade is suede-like, and complimented by a rubberised 'Friction Lock' which has been applied to help lock the foot in.


The dates for the Hummel Rapid X Blade football boots has yet to be confirmed, as has the price, but early reports are suggesting an April release. It will be interesting to see what reaction they receive from the boots community, but it has to be said it's a great effort from Hummel as they venture into the synthetics and speed market.

Now you've had a good look at the new White/Black/Golden Poppy Hummel Rapid X Blade football boots, let us know what you think of the latest addition to the speed market. Share your thoughts and opinions online, on Twitter and on Facebook.

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