We're yet to see the new White/Energy/Black colourway given their full European debut, but the boots have already begun to pop up on pitches around the globe, as we recently spotted players from Uzbekistani football club Neftchi Farg'ono wearing the boots in action – although we don't expect this to be the height of their exposure!
我们还没看到新的白/红/黑配色的全欧洲首次亮相,但靴子已经开始在全球范围内崭露头角,我们最近从乌足球俱乐部 (译者注:原文是Uzbekistani football club Neftchi Farg'ono,实在不知道这个是什么俱乐部)发现球员穿着这款靴子,尽管我们不希望这款球鞋仅仅达到这个高度!